More Trends for 2023

We love to hear as many opinions as possible, when it comes to what’s trending for Christmas each year. Everyone is right! 

As we’ve said before and we will say it again, trends aren’t for everyone. However, it never hurts to look, and possibly even incorporate small notions, or little bits to your home each year without having to do an entire transformation. 

Maybe you will find, you have many of the items you need to hop on a Christmas trend wagon and take a stab at a current look. 

Even better, we hope that as you continue to build or refine your collection that you become even more confident in your decorating choices. 

At Light the Lights for 2023 we, instead of specific trends, want to look at Christmas concepts. When we say concepts, we mean styles that can be interpreted in an array of different applications. 

Instead of trying to get everyone narrowed down to a cookie cutter look, we are hoping this year you embrace your own ideas of what Christmas looks like. 

Personal Style

Personal Style in Christmas decorating seems obvious. The issue is, sometimes it can be difficult merging what are personal likes and your taste outside of Christmas, and what you like during Christmas. 

The most elegant holiday designs, whether rustic and simple or dripping with decadence, need to be maximized by fully using the space, and the client’s personality as the jumping off point. 

Integrating the client’s personal style, and Christmas style together into a seamless cohesive style is the way to truly take your decorating to the next level. 

For example, taking cues from the client’s home, clothing, favorite vacation spots, cultural background, collected items, and the list goes on, is the best way to align with your client and give them a fresh look. 

Any and all of those can take what is a basic collection of decorations and truly make them magical. 

Effortless Style

Another trend we are interpreting from instagram influencers is effortless decorating. Gone are the days of overly decorated cloying spaces, overly arranged fussy flowers, and stuffy spaces that feel cold and uninspired. 

The current through line we see in the trends is an effortless style. A feeling of the season, in thoughtful touches that can be assembled in what looks like minutes. Simplicity is king this Christmas. That doesn’t mean sparse. That doesn’t mean less decor, it means the correct applications. 

It means adding the feeling of Christmas everywhere with elegant and inspired additions to your home and decorations with high impact, that don’t feel overly decorated, or gaudy. Instead, try delicate touches, such as a bowl of pinecones, a vase of evergreens or decorate a Christmas tree with Swedish simplicity, by using just a handful of baubles and a wood garland. 

Especially with everyone’s schedules and the cost of Christmas this effortless style is approachable and more importantly easy to take down at the end of the season. 

Collected Style

Throughout the pandemic, and beyond, we have seen a resurgence in antiquing and finding collected items and incorporating them into design. More and more, we here at Light the Lights are seeing influencers on Instagram opting out of the store-bought items and instead looking for unique and whimsical items, found in antique shops and garage sales. If that means refinishing or reworking items to give them a fresh look, roll up your sleeves and go for it! Creativity is king and using reclaimed materials is a win for the environment also. 

We think it’s time to bring that concept to Christmas decorating. Every day items can be turned into Christmas ornaments. eBay is a treasure trove of antique 50s and 60s retro ornaments. Or hit up your local flea market for random chandelier pieces, or even better a group of found items and paint them a unified color . The options are endless, and all are an amazing addition to your tree collection. 

Pulling this type of look together with a unified color through ribbon, or painting found items in coordinating colors, is the best way to guarantee a complete and finished look.


Address:401 E. Jackson St, Suite 3300, Tampa, FL 33602


Hours:Monday - Saturday | 9am - 5pm

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